Surname List: Begins with F

All surnames beginning with F, sorted alphabetically (total individuals):

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1. Fairall (1)
2. Fairbrother (4)
3. Fairlie (1)
4. Fairs (3)
5. Fairweather (1)
6. Falaise (1)
7. Falkner (1)
8. Fane (13)
9. Fanning (1)
10. Farley (1)
11. Farmer (2)
12. Farncomb (2)
13. Farnel (1)
14. Farquahar (2)
15. Farquhar (17)
16. Farr (2)
17. Farrar (3)
18. Farrow (2)
19. Fascutt (4)
20. Faulkner (11)
21. Fawcett (1)
22. Fawkes (3)
23. Fazakerly (1)
24. Feezey (1)
25. Feild (1)
   26. Feilding (1)
27. Feldman (1)
28. Felton (1)
29. Fenemore (3)
30. Fennell (1)
31. Fenner (2)
32. Fenwick (1)
33. Fermin (1)
34. Feuerheerd (1)
35. Fewings (1)
36. Fickling (8)
37. Field (4)
38. Fielder (2)
39. Fieldsend (1)
40. Filbee (2)
41. Filor (6)
42. Filshie (2)
43. Finch (10)
44. Fincham (2)
45. Findon (2)
46. Finlayson (9)
47. Firth (3)
48. Fisher (9)
49. Fishleigh (1)
50. Fitch (5)
   51. FitzAlan (5)
52. Fitzalan-Howard (1)
53. Fitzgerald (2)
54. Fitzhugh (1)
55. Fitzmaurice (1)
56. Fitzroy (1)
57. Fitzwilliam (14)
58. Flanders (1)
59. Flavell (2)
60. Fleck (1)
61. Fleet (3)
62. Fleming (2)
63. Fletcher (43)
64. Flockton (2)
65. Flood (1)
66. Flook (3)
67. Florey (1)
68. Flory (3)
69. Flower (3)
70. Floyd (5)
71. Floyer (1)
72. Folliott (2)
73. Foote (1)
74. Forbes (3)
75. Ford (11)
   76. Forde (1)
77. Fordham (3)
78. Foreman (1)
79. Forester (1)
80. Forster (1)
81. Fort (17)
82. Fort (Crankshaw) (1)
83. Fortescue (2)
84. Foss (1)
85. Foster (3)
86. Fothergill (2)
87. Foulds (1)
88. Fountain (2)
89. Fowler (10)
90. Fox (15)
91. Fralen (1)
92. Frame (1)
93. Frampton (1)
94. France (1)
95. Frances (1)
96. Francis (6)
97. Francombe (5)
98. Franklin (1)
99. Franks (1)
100. Fraser (3)
   101. Frech (1)
102. Freck (4)
103. Free (77)
104. Freeland (1)
105. Freeman (18)
106. Freethy (6)
107. French (13)
108. Fretwell (1)
109. Friday (1)
110. Frier (2)
111. Frith (2)
112. Fritwell (3)
113. Frogley (57)
114. Frognall (1)
115. Frost (5)
116. Froud (183)
117. Fruin (14)
118. Fry (7)
119. Fryer (2)
120. Fulcher (2)
121. Fuller (4)
122. Fullerton (2)
123. Fullpit (3)
124. Fulton (1)
125. Fury (1)